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  • Refund Policy
    1. If, for any reason, the User is not entirely satisfied with their purchase of “1 Year Pro“, paid via Stripe, they have the right to request a refund without providing a reason within 60 days from the date of purchase.
    2. To initiate a refund request, the User may send an email to and clearly state their intent to request a refund.
    3. To qualify for a refund, the User must comply with the following conditions
      1. The User submitted the refund request within 60 days from the date of purchase.
      2. The User purchased the product or service directly from the official BeeSpeedy Stripe checkout
      3. The User’s payment method must remain valid for the refund transaction.
      4. The User has not previously requested a refund within the current calendar year.
    4. As stipulated by EU regulations, the User has the right to cancel their order and withdraw from the purchase from the Licensor’s official website, within 14 days from the date of purchase, without providing any reason, irrespective of previous refund conditions.
    5. After the User submits a refund request that meets the specified conditions, the Licensor will process the refund using the same payment method that was initially utilized for the purchase
    6. The Licensor retains the right to enforce a permanent ban on individuals who repeatedly make purchase and refund requests within the same calendar year, thereby restricting their access to the website and the ability to purchase its Web-based Services.
    7. The Licensor retains the right to reject refund requests for products or services acquired from third-party vendors or resellers.

You can also find this refund policy in our EULA.